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Campaspe River, Echuca

Some days the world is our oyster and other days it’s more of a struggle to find the inspiration to write. It made sense to choose confidence as a key theme for our first anthology series. As well as being a theme that can provide some insights into contemporary literature and our times confidence is a fuel or an energy source. Our confidence levels can drive us to create or hold us back from finding the inspiration, the story, or the right word.

One of the differences between Confidence 2022 and Confidence 2024 is that in Confidence 2024 half of the entries are international. In Confidence 2022 twenty percent of our entries were international and eighty percent were Australian. Another difference is the structure. Confidence 2022 follows the cycle of life and Confidence 2024 takes the reader on a nuanced journey layered with feelings and experience.

Behind the scenes Confidence 2 is being prepared for publication and we are looking forward to sharing the creativity of forty writers and their new interpretations of the confidence theme with you all.

Our writer in focus today is a poet from Confidence Minds Shine Bright Anthology 2022. Karen Lee Mills. Karen’s Poem A Northern Flicker can be found towards the end of the anthology as the narrative curve follows the life cycle from birth to death and then ends with inspiration and hope. A Northern Flicker is an inspiring poem and Karen is inspiring too. As part of the celebrations of Confidence 2022 Karen and I travelled together across Northern Victoria inspiring local writers

Karen Lee Mills, writer

A short while after retiring from her role as a school librarian in Echuca, Karen tried to contact writer Edel Wignell. Ten years earlier Edel had inspired Karen to put aside one hour each week to write. 

Unfortunately Edel had recently passed away so Karen started to plan an event to honour her contributions as a writer. During her life Edel Wignell wrote over 100 children’s books including Bilby: Secrets of an Australian Marsupial. Karen embarked on a journey of discovery, travelling to the National Children’s Literature Centre in Canberra to study Edel’s works and books.

Karen discussed the potential of sharing her findings with the local Campaspe Library in Echuca as part of their annual International Women’s Day celebration. Hazel Edwards OAM, (author of There’s a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake) who had known Edel for many years, joined Karen as the key speaker at the event which honoured the life and writing of Edel Wignell.

I’ve had poetry or short stories published in 3 anthologies Death and Grief – Miniature ConnectionsHope in Disaster – Standing Ovation and In Celebration – This Fella is a National Treasure, as well as some pieces published online with Tim Saunders in England

 My poems include, A Fragment of Time, published online as part of the Bendigo Writers Festival – Such is Life, Lepidoptery, published online with Australian Children’s Poetry and Random Acts published in braille, as part of the (In)-Visible Libraries project at the State Library of Victoria, in November 2023.

Northern Flicker  wasn’t successful in its first submission to another literary organisation.  I believed in the poem, and when I saw the Minds Shine Bright Competition – Confidence, I thought A Norther Flicker would fit, as it takes confidence to write, confidence to dare to submit, confidence to dare to send our writing out for the world to read. It took confidence to believe in the poem and dare to enter it again. When I looked at the poem I realized it even had the words – Minds—luring the mind, Shine – shine with wavering light, Bright -sometimes weak, sometimes bright, and Confidence – generating confidence, amidst the complexities, in it. 

Consistency, good communication about when and where meetings are held, and following a basic outline format. People like to know what is expected. Encourage members to have a go. Provide opportunities for everyone to be heard and finish on time.

Dare to submit your work for publication. There are many great sites and opportunities to discover:
1) Attend local writers’ groups/ or find an online group that works for you.
2) Go to visiting Author talks/events.
3) Set goals for what you hope to achieve.
4) Set a structure that works for you.
5)Put your work out there.  Some people have written amazing literary works but have never put it out for others to read. Share your writing with others.
6) Build connections with other writers and support each other.  I have met so many people through my writing journey.

Bonus point (I keep a timeline – rather than a to-do list. I have a list of things I have done with my writing, even if it is entering a competition, I list it.  It’s lovely if you win or get published, but it is an achievement to have entered.  Time moves quickly and we soon forget what we have done.  I print my timeline lists for the year and display them on my office wall. Sometimes we feel we aren’t getting anywhere; I look at this list to remind me of what I have done.)

Karen’s mottos in life: “Dare to Dream/Dare to Chase Your dreams/Dare to Have a Go”.

You can find our more about Karen Lee Mills writing journey here.

The  Light and Shadow writing competition has now closed. We received 467 entries which was a twenty per cent increase from our first Seasons writing competition. We also ran three inspiring Light and Shadow workshops and posted some writing prompts across our social media channels. Entries are being sorted and prepared for blind judging over the next couple of months. Thank you to all writers who entered. We look forward to reading your entries very much. 

Our next creative writing competition will  open sometime later this year, most likely in August. It will  feature the confidence theme as we continue our longitudinal exploration of the theme and will be open until April 2025. 

Where can I find the Confidence anthology series?

Confidence Minds Shine Bright Anthology 2022 can be purchased or ordered at your favourite bookshop or purchased online at the Minds Shine Bright Bookshop.

Confidence 2 Minds Shine Bright Anthology 2024 is coming soon.

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